New Papers
Two new papers: 1. Update on my second-generation telescope mount U28639 2. Iterative filter design using MATLAB U22331
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud James contributed a whooping 8 entries.
Two new papers: 1. Update on my second-generation telescope mount U28639 2. Iterative filter design using MATLAB U22331
I finally got around to adding in a short video of my pneumatic workbench in action here. I also added the Part 7 write-up of my Photogrammetry project here and short video of the elevation axis in motion here. Enjoy.
Added 3 new papers, (i) U28255_My_Anodizing_Procedure, (ii) U27874_Surveillance_Camera, and (iii) update to my telescope project
A new installment on my long-running telescope project is provided here.
An Arduino MEGA2560 is combined with a GPS receiver and additional support electronics to slave an old-style pendulum clock to GPS.
Two new papers have been added. The first pertains to reliable computer storage and a change of philosophy I have invoked for my own data storage (U26767 Computer Backups and Reliability). The second paper is an update on my telescope project (U24933 Photogrammetry for PV Solutions- Part V). Enjoy